Monday, September 23, 2013

Homework 9-24 (White Balance/Exposure/Tripod)

For this exercise I just used what I had, and that's my Sony Handycam HDR-CX220

Here I used the "Indoor" white balance setting on an outside scene.

On this one, I used the custom white balance setting. I took a still of the white patio table in order to set it.
It came out more saturated looking than in normal/auto setting.

All I did here was lessen the exposure and it made it darker than it was in auto.

This was an increased exposure in an indoor setting. It is much brighter.


  1. I thought it was very cool how you had a subject to follow for your handheld shot, awesome.

  2. Even though you could not list the technical details of your camera (f-stop, shutter speed, ISO) you did a good job of tweaking the settings and recording what you were doing. Great job with the white balance. Your pan motions were smooth and controlled. Your tilt needed more control. There was also a pan in there when you moved to the treetop. Think about making shorter moves. They are easier to execute.
